Electric garage door openers have been around for almost a century. While you may think they’re all the same, there have been many advancements to garage door openers over the years that you might not be aware of!

The biggest advancement we’ve seen recently is the introduction of smart garage door openers. These systems work like traditional ones, except they can also connect to your Wi-Fi network. 

This connectivity opens the door to many benefits. Keep reading to learn about some of the top features of smart garage doors and what you should look for when selecting one. 

How Does a Smart Garage Door Opener Work?

A smart garage door opener works by connecting to your home’s Wi-Fi network. You can control them via your Android or Apple phone and other smart devices, like tablets. You can also use a standard garage door opener or a wall-mounted button.

Even though a smart garage door opener sounds complex, they’re very easy to use. Homeowners prefer them because they simplify things and come with a host of other benefits. 

Top Features of a Smart Garage Door Opener

Here are some of the top features you can look for when shopping for your smart garage door opener:

Enhanced Security Features

Your garage door can be vulnerable to unwanted visitors, just like any other entryway in your home. Many smart garage door openers offer security and protection features, like a camera or an alarm, that can help to protect your home.

Parking Assistance

Smart garage door openers feature lasers that help guide you while parking. This system turns on as you approach your garage and can be particularly helpful at night or when multiple cars are using a garage. 

Remote Capability

Because your smart garage door opener is paired with your smartphone, you can operate it from anywhere. If you forget to close your door or you need to let someone in while you’re not at home, you can open and close your garage door from anywhere in the world with remote capability. 

Shop Smart Garage Door Openers with DBar Garage Doors

There are other benefits to a smart garage door opener, but the bottom line is that they can make things much easier. If you’re looking for peace of mind and high-tech features, a smart garage door opener may be the right option for your home. 

At DBar Garage Doors, we proudly offer premium smart garage door openers in Portland, OR, and the surrounding areas. Contact us today to discuss your needs!