Tips for Spring Cleaning Your Garage

Everybody loves a clean house, but the thought of tackling the mess in your garage might make you want to pack up and move. According to a 2015 survey, a quarter of Americans say their garage is too full to even fit their car!

Don’t panic. Make these tips a part of your home’s spring cleaning routine.

Start with a Plan

The clutter in your garage might seem overwhelming. Break it down into smaller tasks. Use this list to formulate a step-by-step plan to go from filthy to functional.

If you share your home with family or others, ask for their help. Set aside a day to clean and re-organize—you’ll thank yourself later!

Drag Everything Out

That’s right: Take everything inside the garage and move it outside. This ensures that the only items that will go back inside of the garage are the ones that actually belong there.

Pollen, dust, mold, and other allergens can feel unavoidable. But you’re not powerless in the fight against runny noses and watery eyes!

Downsize and Declutter

As you sort through the contents of your garage, try and think in terms of these categories:

  • Keep
  • Throw away
  • Donate
  • Sell (yard sale, Ebay)

You may have heard of Marie Kondo’s innovative organizational philosophy: Does it “spark joy?” Items that no longer give you joy (or items you no longer use) should be tossed, donated, or sold.

Wipe Down, Clean out

Once your garage is empty, now’s a good time to give it a thorough cleaning. If the walls of the garage are weatherproof, don’t be afraid to use the garden hose to spray down the interior. You can also wash windows, clean the door frames, and clear away lawn debris that may be left over from last fall.

Maintain Your Garage Door

In addition to cleaning the door of your garage, take a moment to inspect your garage door opener. Open and close it a few times. If the door jerks and wobbles when it’s moving or if it makes a lot of noise, it may be time to contact a technician to take a look at it.

Reorganize Garage Storage System

When you’re finished organizing your garage’s contents, you can now take time to consider a new organization system. Save space by hanging tools on the wall using a pegboard or repurposing a series of bike hooks. Organization systems like tool cabinets and even rubber tubs can keep the contents of your garage in the right place.

Time for a Repair

A clean garage deserves a door that works safely and efficiently. If you notice problems with your bearings, weather stripping, or motor, contact us right away. The friendly and skilled technicians at D Bar Garage Doors can help to protect your investments with reliability and convenience.