While it is an added expense, trying to save money by trying to DIY install a new garage door yourself is never a good idea.

On average, garage doors last anywhere from 15 to 30 years. This means you’ll have to replace your door more than once throughout the years you own your home. Here are just a few reasons why it’s better to hire an established garage door company instead of attempting to install your new door.

Your Personal Safety Is an Issue

If you don’t have experience with installing garage doors, you may not be aware of safety concerns. These involve the risk of crushing your fingers or getting caught between the door’s panels as a result. Professional installers will wear proper safety gear and know how to reduce the risks of such injuries.

Garage Door Installers Have the Right Tools

There are specific tools that you must have to install a garage door. If you try to DIY install your garage door without the right equipment, you might find yourself with an improperly installed garage door. Which will lead to faster wear and tear that will shorten the door’s lifetime.

Avoid Costly Property Damage Caused by DIY Garage Door

In addition to needing frequent garage door repairs, a poor installation job can lead to accidents. And this can cause further property damage and bodily injuries. For example, safety features that aren’t working right can cause the door to lower on top of your vehicle. A person’s limbs could also get caught in a door that moves unexpectedly.

Professional installers will install your door correctly, making sure the door’s safety features work properly, and they will test the operation of the door.

Protect Your Warranty

Keeping your warranty in good standing requires following the manufacturer’s warranty stipulations. It’s common for them to require a professional installation from a certified installer, so if you install the door yourself and something happens to it, your warranty might not cover you, leaving you to pay out of pocket to repair or replace a faulty door.

Rely on Our High Standard of Quality

When you need a new garage door, turn to the experienced team at DBar Garage Doors. We’ll provide you with a professional installation, and we stand behind our work with maintenance and repair services throughout the lifetime of your door. To get started, contact us today.