It’s a good idea to schedule maintenance for your garage door once per year to ensure the motor, sensors, and other parts are in good working order. During the rest of the year, there are things you can do to prevent your door’s sensors from becoming damaged or misaligned.

While these care tips are important, they’re also simple things anyone can do.

Garage Door Sensors: 5 Tips to Keep Them Working Properly

1.  Keep Your Garage Door Clean

It’s important to clean your garage door on a regular basis to ensure it continues to function well. In addition to debris becoming jammed in the roller tracks, dirt and debris can block the sensors. When leaves, litter, and other types of debris block the sensors, your garage door may stop working properly.

2.  Check the Hardware for Loose Connections

From time to time, you should check the screws and nuts that hold your garage door sensors in place. Lightly try to jiggle them. If the sensor moves, the screws will need tightening. You might need to call for garage door repair if the loose connection caused the sensor to move out of alignment.

3.  Wipe Dust off of the Sensor

Using a soft, dry cloth, wipe the sensor clean once a week. If your garage door isn’t operating properly, wiping the sensor may fix the problem. Avoid using any type of cleaning solution on the sensor, since you might leave streaks that could adversely affect how the garage door functions.

4.  Keep Animals Away from the Sensors

It’s best to keep your pets from sitting near the sensor and to make sure pests, such as squirrels or other rodents, stay away from your garage door. An animal might inadvertently knock the sensor out of alignment, or they might scratch the lens on the sensor. In that case, you’ll need to replace the door’s sensors.

You can avoid this situation by keeping your garage door closed as often as possible.

5.  Store Items Away From the Door

Anything from a loose wrench to the straws on a broom can block the sensors on your garage door. It’s a good practice to avoid storing items close to the door to prevent damage and other issues with the door’s operation.

If you have children, make sure they know to keep their toys and sports equipment away from the sensors and roller tracks.

Schedule Garage Door Maintenance Today

DBar Garage Doors provides maintenance, repairs, and new door replacements for customers throughout the Portland, OR, area. If you have questions about your garage door or want to schedule service, contact us.