When choosing a material for garage doors, the usual choices are wood, steel, or aluminum, but fiberglass garage doors are also an option. Like all garage door materials, fiberglass has its pros and cons.

Fiberglass Garage Doors — The Pros

Fiberglass garage doors can look deceptively. They look like timber doors and come in various styles and sizes and have been around for many years. They also have made a resurgence because of their upgraded strength and durability. There’s a lot to like about it, including the following advantages:


Fiberglass is one of the lightest man-made materials that you can use for a garage door. It is also lightweight. It puts much less strain on the lifting parts, including the automatic opener and tracks. It’s also much easier to lift manually.


Fiberglass garage doors are one of the most affordable options compared to wood and steel. Aluminum is roughly the same price but without the benefits of fiberglass.

Damage Resistant

They are not unbreakable and won’t corrode and they don’t contract or expand as the temperature changes. They also don’t warp or rot from exposure to moisture.

These factors make fiberglass doors a good long-term investment as they need minimal maintenance. You can still get 20-30 years out of good-quality, insulated garage doors.

Environmentally Sustainable

Fiberglass garage doors use very little energy to produce. Also, the principle ingredient in fiberglass is sand, which is an abundant resource. They are also energy-efficient, which lowers your power bills and the impact on the environment.

These are a fantastic alternative to wood, steel, and aluminum because they are lightweight, affordable, damage-resistant, and environmentally sustainable.

Fiberglass Garage Doors — The Cons

Fiberglass garage doors have some negative aspects for you to consider.

Can’t Be Repaired

Unlike wood or steel, if your fiberglass garage doors are hit by a car or dented badly, they need to be replaced. However, they don’t dent as easily as steel.

Hard to Recycle

Unlike steel or wood, they are hard to recycle, though not impossible. They can be ground up and used to make other products.

Discolor with Age

They exposed to harsh sunlight can start to yellow as they age. However, it is very easy to paint, and this will have your garage doors looking like new again.

Can Be Noisy

They can be noisy in high wind areas as they are lightweight, and this can be frustrating.

It has some real benefits and a few negatives as well. Weigh up the pros and the cons and then speak to the experts for further information.

DBar Garage Doors — The Experts in Garage Doors

When shopping for new or replacement garage doors, call DBar Garage Doors for expert advice and services. They provide professional installation, repairs, and maintenance on all garage doors. Contact us today for garage door expertise and good old-fashioned customer service.