If you’re the proud owner of a wooden garage door, you know you have an attractive design element and a long-lasting investment for your home. But these elegant-looking doors only stay that way with proper care. Here are four maintenance tips you’ll want to follow to ensure you can enjoy their usefulness and beauty for years to come.

1.  Keep Your Wooden Garage Door Clean

Moisture and dirt are a wooden garage door’s worst nightmares. Moisture can cause them to warp and bend, making your door unattractive and dangerous to operate. You can gently clean your door with mild soap and a touch of water at least once a year to keep it looking healthy.

2.  Inspect Your Door Often

The sooner you know about issues with your door, the sooner you can call a professional to address them.

Examine everything, from the seals to the moving components to the surface of your door. Check for anything that could potentially need repairing or replacing. And since your door is made of wood, you should also check for fungus or wood rot if there’s been a recent period of excessive rain.

3.  Use a Durable Stain or Finish

Garage doors must endure whatever the weather throws at them, so you’ll want to ensure it’s ready for anything.

You can coat your wooden garage door with a weather-resistant finish or stain to protect it from the elements. The more protection you equip your door with, the longer and better it will operate. As a bonus, a finish or stain also improves the look of your door!

And no matter how high-quality your wood is or how well you care for it, you may still notice the occasional peeling. Keep your door smooth by removing paint chips before applying any more coats of finish.

4.  Check for Pests

Wood doors give your garage and property an appealing, natural look. Unfortunately, they also make a tempting home for pests like snails, beetles, or even termites. These pests could be damaging or consuming your door little by little.

Keep your eyes peeled for any holes in your door’s surface, which could indicate that your door has an insect problem.

Your Neighborhood Garage Door Professionals

Do you need some help maintaining or fixing your wooden garage door? DBar Garage Doors can get it working better than ever. To book your next appointment with us, reach out to one of our garage door experts today!